Sunday, May 26, 2013

Been a while!

We wanted to share some pics of what's been going on the last month or so!  First of all, it was Gregg's Birthday at the end of April and we had an awesome party for him up at our house.  We had already invited his family over for Sunday dinner, but when my whole fam showed up also, he was really surprised!  I know Gregg loves the Miller fam so I thought I'd throw out the invitation to see if any of them wanted to come up to surprise Gregg, and it was awesome that the ENTIRE Miller fam was able to come up.  We loved having everyone there.

We bought a jumperoo for Luke and got it at the beginning of May. It took him a few days to get the hang of it. When we first would put him in there he would just cry. Eventually he understood that he needed to jump. Since then he's been having a lot of fun in it!

 If you look closely you can see Luke's first tooth coming in!! He'll be eating steak in no time.

We totally want to add a cape to Luke because it looks like he's flying. :)

 Other random pics of him.