Monday, October 21, 2013

The slackers finally create a post!

This is Luke's first time going to a water park. It was back in mid-August and we had our wonderful friends, the Turners, come with us. It was really fun to see Luke in the open water. He's really only ever taken a bath. This was a lot more for him. By the time we were done he was so tired!

 Here's some of the Turners that came with us.

Ahh yes, the chocolate syrup incident. Luke has been enjoying playing with random containers of food items we've had. I thought the chocolate syrup container would be fun for him because it was a different shape and color than he had played with before. The lid wasn't on as tight as I thought. Clearly, I was wrong.

Amazingly enough all of this came out in the wash!

Here's some photo's from our September trip to Delta.

Luke teaching Conlan some piano skills.

 He loves his vitamin bottle!

We helped to watch the Grant kids from our ward so their parents could have a night out together. It was very crazy, though. We went from one kid to six kids! We survived, though. We even convinced Amy to come and helping us. 

This is Ginny, Luke's girlfriend :)

Almost everyone hanging out in the family room watching Lion King.

Luke's favorite pastime lately, getting into the tupperware drawers.

After us girls met up for the Relief Society Broadcast we all came to our house afterwards for dessert. This is us hanging out!

Gregg's proud moment: our pumpkin patch. There's even more of them that either are buried in the garden or given to kids in the neighborhood.

Cute pic of Luke!

A not-so-cute pic of Luke. He was using the piano bench for support and he fell. Then the bench fell on top of him. It gave him a pretty good black eye and a cut across his eyelid. Gregg almost had to call DCFS on himself. :)